Dicing Blades: Hubless Blade Form

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  Example Customer Input


Material: Zirconia Ceramics 300µm
Part Name: Heater Sensor
Final Product: Secret
Work Size ( W * L * T): 12-inch
Chip Size (W * L): 20mm*10mm
Situation (Trial / Line testing / Existing production / Stop production soon /
Increase production):
Existing production

Current Blade (Maker and Description)

Maker: DISCO
Size ( D * T * H): 76.2*0.11T*40H
Specification: P1A8X1SDC400N50xx(resin)
Blade Usage: 100 pieces / month

Current Condition

Machine Model and Quantity: DISCO DFD 3350 / 1set
Spindle Speed: 30000rpm
Feed Speed: 5mm/sec
Index: 10mm
Cut Mode (full or step): 1 pass full cut
Flange Size: 72.2mmD
Work Mount (tape / wax / other) Tape
      • Maker: Lyntec
      • Specification (tape thickness): D510
Depth Into Tape: 30um
Dressing (dresser plate / others): Disco Dresser
Quality Criteria (ex, chipping, slunt...): Backside chipping; <30um


Current Issue: Using Resin Blades with low lifetime
Request: Need blade with higher wear resistance

Contact Information

Customer Name:
Customer Title:
Company Name:
Street Address:
Zip Code:
Website URL:
Verification: + =
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